Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is this real??

Sometimes staring at a blank word document screen is motivating and at other times it really isn’t at all. I am sitting here in an empty computer lab on the second floor of the newest building my school has, with a mountain staring back (exaggeration- it’s just a big hill). My co-teacher is sitting with me working on clearing our students for graduation. We are actually taking a break right this minute. I’m not exactly sure what we are taking a break from... I think she told me that so I would stop bugging her about planning projects and talking nonstop about work (again- let me be clear, this does not happen daily, just occasionally and really just for the last 15 minutes or so). Therefore, I’m using this time to just write. It keeps me quiet, I look like I’m working, and I can actually process the day. Especially on a day like today when I find out some interesting news. At least I think its interesting news.

I’ve learned that it is best to not get too excited about ‘big news’ in the Philippines that’s why I’m calling it ‘interesting... EVERYTHING is subject to change and most things seem to be an exaggerated version of the reality (but really, what’s not?).

So, one of my co-teachers had a meeting with Globe, a cell phone and internet provider here in the Philippines, while I taught her class and one of my other classes. I happened to see her as I was leaving for lunch so I asked her and another teacher how the meeting went. They both give me the twist of the hand that means so-so (I’m not trying to fool anyone at home into thinking this is a Filipino thing- just the standard sign for ‘so-so’) but asked if I’d like to join them to look at the building that has been promised to me as a library. Of course I would! So I walk with them, examined the building like I’m some kind of expert building contractor (literally, I walked around looking at water damage and roof damage. My dad should be proud) and met some Globe people. The building is awesome except that there is some places in the roof that leak which cannot happen if I’m going to put books there. It needs to be painted but it’s overall a sweet space. I probably had the same expression that a first time homeowner has. I was really excited. So these Globe people are basically doing the same thing that I’m doing only they have their own agenda and cameras to take ‘before pictures’ (show offs).

This is where you should go ‘what? Their own agenda?’ That’s right. They were looking at my building and talking about a computer lab and a multimedia center. I am sitting in an empty computer lab right this minute. A REALLY nice computer lab. We have 30 working computers, all flat screen monitors, wifi, a lot of awesome software, and an integrated technology teacher who teaches 4th year kids Microsoft Office, Blogging, brief computer programming, etc. It’s a pretty impressive program. So say what? More computers?

So this is when I speak up. Excuse me Globe people, did nobody tell you that this was my library building and I’m not giving it up that easily even if you do want to do awesome things for the school and spend money that I don’t have! Yeah, I didn’t say that. Instead I asked if this could be a learning center/technology hub/ advanced library where we could have books plus a lot of awesome multimedia stuff like a film room, etc.

Their response: Sure.

Then they left. What the ??? What just happened? People don’t just waltz into schools and offer to buy them a bunch of stuff, so what is this? This is when I probably started to annoy my co-teacher with a lot of questions in which I must say she patiently answered.

So this is what I’ve got so far (this is all according to teachers at my school and again let’s just assume this is exaggerated as well as subject to change) and this is a ‘to be continued’ type of blog but yeah apparently we were chosen to be a ‘Global Filipino School’ which is some type of Globe/Microsoft technology global learning program. We are one of two in the Philippines. We work on projects, show them to Globe, and in return they provide us with resources to make our projects happen and apparently a multimedia center.

So I’m a little excited. This could be a lot of fun and could give my school access to amazing resources. This could be challenging because even if this project has nothing to do with me I couldn’t stand by and watch resources go to waste at my school. This could be exhausting because now teachers are kind of looking to me as to what do we do next as far as projects (at least something motivates them).

And then there’s part of me that feels like this could be a buzz kill for me. What about me? What am I supposed to do now? Suddenly putting together a remedial reading program, getting books, starting a theater department, and doing a few teacher trainings don’t seem that impressive. However, I’m not going to compare. That’s a dangerous mindset to get into...

So- back to positive, is this real?? Oh yeah one more thing- apparently the ‘launching’ of this Global Filipino School program, opening of the multimedia center is going to be a really big deal and there is talk of very high government officials being invited to this event.

Okay enough rambling until tomorrow...


  1. This is kinda cool. A new opportunity to upgrade possibly, being funded and all. Start a musical theater program. I will send you any tracks you need!!!! for a small fee.....

  2. You're like Oprah.
