Monday, August 2, 2010

Am I the only one who hasn't packed?

Is it really already August? I guess I have no choice but to start packing. As my departure date quickly approaches, I am realizing how much work I still have left to do: rummage through clothes and decide which outfits are deserving enough to join me for the next 27 months, figure out what else will fit in my suitcase after clothes, organize my life into two small suitcases to not exceed 80 total lbs... I think I have my work cut out for me! After skimming through other volunteer's blogs, I have come to the realization that I might be behind on this whole packing thing. Some people are packed and just counting down the days until we get on those airplanes! Am I the only one who hasn't packed? Even right now, I am sitting on my bed with my big ol' grey cat, Goose, sitting on my lap, staring out into the corners of my bedroom knowing I need to be making decisions. And instead I am writing.

I am writing yet I have no idea what I am even supposed to be writing about. I have been biding my time spending precious days with the people that I'm not going to get to be around for the next few years and am wondering where are my emotions? And let me tell you, writing emotionless can be difficult. I have already said goodbyes to some people and am only days away from saying goodbye to most of the people that love and support me and I haven't shed a tear. I don't know if I am in denial or if I am more excited than sad, or if I am just oblivious to the fact that this is goodbye for two years. I'm sure my emotions are going to catch up with me eventually, most likely with the force of a monsoon, but in the mean time I'm just thankful. I guess its time to get on that packing. Grrrr

P.S. I've added my address for the next three months while I am a Peace Corps Trainee (PCT). So be sure to send me mail :)

P.P.S. This really shouldn't be a P.S. note since it is rather important, but I assume most people reading this already know. Staging (staging is my orientation for the Peace Corps) is not out of California like I originally expected. Instead, I will be flying to Philly on August 19th at 8 something in the morning and go straight to a hotel where we have meetings from 12-7. Then, on August 20th, we wake up at 5 am (enough said) and take a bus to JFK. And guess where from there? That's right. The Philippines. So Manila should be expecting 140 or so of us Peace Corps Trainees at 10:30 p.m on August 21st. Hopefully, the excitement of FINALLY arriving will outweigh our crankiness from 18 or so hours of flying!

Do you think anyone will care if my cat, Turtles, comes with me??


  1. Good luck with all your preparations! I'll be helping with your Initial Orientation after you get to Manila. Looking forward to meeting your batch.

  2. You're not the only one who has yet to pack! I just started sorting everything out, was under the weight limit, but have a sneaking suspicion that I unintentionally forgot to pack a million things in my "mock pack". much to do! Good luck!

  3. I haven't packed yet either! I have some things in piles that I'm intending to pack eventually. You are not alone (including the emotions part of it all!)

  4. I haven't packed either. And I'll be honest, it's not going to happen till the week of. I made a list and am shopping for the things I don't have but thattttt's about it. Two weeks is plenty of time to shove things into a bag. :)
